
We guarantee the authenticity of all pieces sold by our firm. On request we will provide a certificate of authenticity for each purchase. Furthermore, we will buy back any piece for a period of 2 years from the invoice date, for up to 70% of the retail price paid (reference books and literature not included). Please note: we do not honor expertises, certificates of authenticity, or opinions provided by other dealers
III. Reich - gedrucktes Pressefoto " Auf Streife an der französisch - italienischen Grenze "
Verlag : Aktueller Bilderdienst, rückseitig unbedruckt, 23,5 x 18,5 cm, Zustand 2.
Allgemeine-SS Foto, Angehöriger des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) 1934
Maße ca. 14,5 x 9,8 cm. Gebrauchter Zustand.
III. Reich - gedrucktes Pressefoto " Leichte Feldhaubitzen gehen in Stellung " 10.2.1944
Verlag : Aktueller Bilderdienst, rückseitig unbedruckt, 23,5 x 18,5 cm, Zustand 2.
III. Reich - gedrucktes Pressefoto " Der große "Treck" aus Lappland " 10.10.1944
Verlag : Aktueller Bilderdienst, rückseitig unbedruckt, 23,5 x 18,5 cm,
III. Reich Foto, Fahne der GJH Siemens 19.11.1933
Postkartengröße. Gebrauchter Zustand.
Fotokonvolut 2. Weltkrieg,
III. Reich - gedrucktes Pressefoto " Hart war der Kampf " 19.9.1944
Verlag : Aktueller Bilderdienst, rückseitig unbedruckt, 23,5 x 18,5 cm, Zustand 2.
Deutsches Heer Gruppenfoto
in Postkartengröße, gebrauchter Zustand,
Kriegsmarine Fotogruppe, Deutsches Kreuz in Gold Träger Wilhelm Kruse auf U-Boot U-48, 10. Feindfahrt vom 20.1. - 28.21941
Ca. 60 Fotos. Ankunft im Hafen, getarntes Schiff, Ritterkreuzträger besucht die Besatzung, Abschusswimpel, Kommandant Herbert Schultze an Deck, Turmwappen, Schiffsbrüchige auf See, im Atlantik. Gebrauchter Zustand.
Kriegsmarine Fotogruppe, Deutsches Kreuz in Gold Träger Wilhelm Kruse auf U-Boot U-48, 8. und 9. Feindfahrt 8
Ca. 50 Fotos. Auf hoher See, an Deck, im Hafen, Torpedo wird beladen, Munitionslager, Turmwappen, Abschusswimpel, Ritterkreuzträger Heinrich Bleichrodt, Erich Zürn. Gebrauchter Zustand.
Kriegsmarine Fotogruppe, Deutsches Kreuz in Gold Träger Wilhelm Kruse auf U-Boot U-48, 8. Feindfahrt 8.9. - 25.9.1940
Ca. 50 Fotos. Auf hoher See, Abschusswimpel, Turmwappen, Hans Rudolf Rösing, U-Boot mit Netzen getarnt, Ankunft im Hafen, Munitionslager. Gebrauchter Zustand
Kriegsmarine Fotogruppe, Deutsches Kreuz in Gold Träger Wilhelm Kruse bei der Unterseebootsflottille „Wegener“ und später auf U-Boot U-48, 1. Feindfahrt,
Ca. 70 Fotos. Übungsfahrt, auf dem U-Boot, Schiff versenkt. Gebraucht
Sturmabteilung (SA) Passfoto, Rottenführer mit SA-Wehrsportabzeichen
Maße ca. 4,3 x 6,2 cm. Gebrauchter ZustanSS-Verfügungstruppe Fotogruppe, SS-Sturmmann in der SS-Standarte "Germania"
16 Fotos. Gebrauchter Zustand
Luftwaffe - Portraitpostkarte von Ritterkreuzträger Major Walter Oesau
auf Film-Foto-Karte R 187, ungelaufen, Zustand
3. Reich Foto, Veranstaltung mit Baldur von Schirach
Maße ca. 12 x 9 cm. Gebrauchter Zustand.r
Heer - Portraitpostkarte von Ritterkreuzträger Generaloberst von Falkenhorst
auf Hoffmann-Karte R 87, ungelaufen, Zustand 2
3. Reich Pressefoto: Admiral Horthy kommt nach Deutschland 12.8.1938
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung. Gebrauchter Zustand.
3. Reich Pressefoto: Kosakendarstellung aus russischer Zeit 15.1.943
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung. Gebrauchter Zustand.
Wehrmacht Pressefoto: Unsere Soldaten marschieren am völlig ausgebrannten Hochhaus-Bau der "Elektroindustrie" vorüber. 6.11.1941
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung, gebrauchter Zustand.
3. Reich Pressefoto: Prinzregent Paul zeichnet sich in das Goldene Buch der Stadt Berlin ein 3.6.1939
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung, gebrauchter Zustand
3. Reich Pressefoto: Prinzregent Paul in der Hauptstadt Kroatien 17.1.1940
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung, gebrauchter Zustand.
3. Reich Pressefoto: Köln Empfang des britischen Premierminister Neville Chamberlain
Maße ca. 13 x 18 cm, rückseitig mit Beschriftung in französisch, gebrauchter Zustand.
Museumsanfertigung - Wehrmacht Ärmelband " Metz 1944 "
Museumsanfertigung - Eichenlaubkranz für das schwarze Panzerbarrett für Offiziere
gute Fertigung, Zustand 2+.
mehrere am Lager - Preis pro Stück,
Museumsanfertigung - Eichenlaubkranz für das schwarze Panzerbarrett für Mannschaften
gute Fertigung, Zustand 2+.
mehrere am Lager - Preis pro Stück ,
Museumsanfertigung - Ärmelraute für Mannschaften des SD/Sicherheitsdienst
gute Fertigung, Zustand 2+.
mehrere am Lager - Preis pro Stück,
Museumsanfertigung - Ärmelraute für Führer des SD/Sicherheitsdienst
gute Fertigung, Zustand 2+.
mehrere am Lager - Preis pro Stück ,
Museumsanfertigung - Wehrmacht Ärmelband " Afrikakorps "
sehr gute Fertigung um 1980,
mehrere im Lager - Preis pro Stück ,
Reichswehr Reitgerte
mit braunem Leder überzogen, Gravur " Unserem Abt.Führer gewidmet von der Abt II den 1.1.1924", 800 Silberstempel, mit typischen Gebrauchsspuren, Länge ca. 68 cm, Zustand ,
Wehrmacht Paar Koppeltragehaken für die Feldbluse
Metall, feldgrau lackiert,
Kriegsmarine Netzhängematte
hergestellt aus Leinen, an jedem Ende 2 faltbare Querstäbe aus Holz, Metallhaken und Ösen, DRGM gestempelt, leichte Gebrauchsspuren, Zustand 2-.Sehr selten
Kriegsmarine Rettungsschwimmweste
um 1942. Gummierte gelbe Leinenausführung, mit der Beriemung, aber ohne die hölzerne Signalpfeife, Schlauch zum aufblasen, Preßluftflasche fehlt, rückseitig mit Kriegsmarine Abnahmestempel. Gebrauchtes Stück
Handtuch für Häftlinge "K.L.Waffen SS Lublin"
, graues Leinen, 78 x 38 cm, Zustand ,
III.Reich Klappkamera Hapo 5 mit Tasche und Blitz
Um 1935, Hersteller Balda, Maße: ca. 165 x 35 x 82 mm, Gehäuse ist Lederüberzogen, Lederbalgen ist beschädigt. Dabei die Ledertasche und das Blitzgerät. Zustand,
Wehrmacht Heer - Kantinenbesteck Messer
schwere Ausführung, Hersteller : FBCM 42 und Hoheitsadler. Die Klingen aus Feinstahl weisen kleinere Roststellen auf sonst Zustand,
Wehrmacht Windschutzbrille
Gummikorpus mit klaren Gläsern, am braunen Band, Gestempelt "41", Zustand 2.
Military Antiques,
All fields of interes,t
Edged weapons, Equipment,
Orders and Decorations,
Uniforms, insignia and Militaria,
Documents and photos,
Auszeichnungen nach dem Ordensgesetz 1957,
medal ribbons 1933 - 1945,
German medal ribbons 1800 - 1933,
Civil awards of the III. Reich
III. Reich sport badges and decorations,
Olympic Games
III. Reich decorations of NSDAP and organisations
III. Reich, WW II medal bars
Legion Condor, Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
WW II general decorations
Decorations of the Wehrmacht Army
Decorations of the Kriegsmarine
Decorations of the Luftwaffe
Foreign volunteers of the Wehrmacht
German States pre- 1933: Orders and decorations
German Reich 1871-1918 decorations
Weimar Republic and Freikorps 1918 1933
German medal bars pre- 1933
Miniatures of Orders and decorations 1870 1945
Foreign Orders and decorations
Plaques, non-portable medals and decorations
membership badges and pins 1900 1945
III. Reich tinnies and rally badges, WHW
Insignia of the Waffen-SS, Schutzstaffel
Insignia of the NSDAP and Organisations
Insignia of III. Reich organisations
Insignia of the Wehrmacht Army
Insignia of the Kriegsmarine
Insignia of the Luftwaffe
Uniforms III. Reich and World War II
III. Reich: visor hats, steel helmets, overseas caps
Edged Weapons Germany 1870 - 1945
Edged Weapons Foreign
Belt buckles and brocade belts Germany 1870 1945
Imperial Germany & Weimar Republic: uniforms, spike helmets, etc.
Imperial Germany & Weimar Republic: insignia, epaulettes, equipment, etc.
Documents, Wehrpasses and Soldbooks
Military and civil award citations and documents, signatures
Photo albums, Portraitphotos, military single photos, postcards
Collector reproductions
Military equipment
Militaria - general, Germany
Militaria - general, other countries
Military antiques,
Edged weapons and equipment,
Orders and Decorations,
Uniforms, insignia and Militaria,
Documents and photos,
News Militaria,
Militaria purchase,
Dated 18th Century,
Antique Clocks,
Antique Bracket Clocks,
Antique Carriage Clocks,
Antique Clock Garnitures,
Antique Clock Sets,
Antique Cuckoo Clocks,
Antique Dial
Antique English Clocks,
Antique French Clocks,
Antique Fusee Clocks,
Antique German Clocks,
Antique Grandfather Clocks,
Antique Longcase Clocks,
Antique Mantel Clocks,
Antique Ormolu Clocks,
Antique Skeleton Clocks,
Antique Spelter Clocks,
Antique Travel Clocks,
Antique Wall Clocks,
Art Deco Clocks,
Edwardian Clocks,
Moon Phase Clocks,
Victorian Clocks,
Vienna Wall Clocks,

A mounted Group of Seven Miniature , New Zealand Volunteer Service. The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Army Long Service & Good Conduct Medal, Medal Bar of Air Commodore , WWI British War Medal , British War Medal - Canadian Group of Eight Miniatures, Great War and WWII Group , The VC Related Family Group ,M.C. Group of Three, First China War Medal – 1842, A British Issued 1939-45 War Medal , The First War Memorial Cross Pair, Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89,ndia General Service Medal 1849-95, Egypt and Sudan medal 1882-89, India General Service Medal 1849-95, India General Service Medal 1908-35, India General Service Medal 1849-95, Egypt and Sudan medal 1882, India General Service Medal 1849-95,,India General Service Medal 1908-35,India General Service Medal 1849-95, Egypt and Sudan medal 1882-89, India Medal 1895-1902, Sudan Medal 1896-98, Afghanistan Medal 1878-80, Sold For ,India General Service Medal 1908-35, Afghanistan Medal 1878-80, Royal Scots Trio ,Royal Army Medical Corps Trio , North Fusiliers – Capt. D.R. Herriot Sold For Total items found A First War Trio , DSM For Submarine, , A Royal Navy Long Service Group , - Military Cross Recipient,Application Document for Croatian/Bosnian SS-Volunteers, Two Second War German Awards, Gold Award for Shooting Down Zepplein L15, WWII German East Medal 1941/42 , German Red Cross DRK Hewer, AWARD DOCUMENTS – AIR GUNNER – NIGHTFIGHTER , Iron Cross First Class 1914 , Thre Third Reich Awards , Three German Tinnies , Two German , Three German Tinnies & Badges, Pour-le-Merite GROUP TO GENERAL, German Cross in Gold, -1957 Version CUSTOMS DECORATION ,

Inter War Era, German Anton Wingen Jr, Solingen ’Jagers Lust Und Freude’ (Hunters Lust & Joy) Hunting / Skinning Knife With Etched Rostfrei (Early Stainless Steel) Blade, Stag Antler Grips, German Silver fittings & Leather Scabbard.
This German inter war hunting / skinning knife is 226mm overall length. The knife's 119mm single edged blade is undamaged with just small areas of staining. The blade is crisply marked on one side with the manufacturer’s name ‘Anton Wingen Jr, Solingen Germany’ together with ’Jagers Lust Und Freude’ (Hunters Lust & Joy) motto & Stag’s head logo. The reverse is marked ‘ Solingen Rostfrei’, denoting that the blade is made from an early form of stainless steel and other indistinct mark ( all illustrated). It has attractive Antler scales which are in great condition. It has a small German Silver finger guard and pommel. The knife is complete with original brown leather scabbard which has an integral single leather belt loop stitched to the throat and retaining strap with press stud fastener. The scabbard has a nickel plated chape. The price includes UK Delivery WW1 Era H. Boker & Co Solingen Imperial German Uhlan Cavalry Officer's Multi Tool / Bladed Folding Lock Knife With Stag Antler Scales.
Chinstrap M16. Pickelhaube .Cigarette cards, Cossackk, Hitler youth. Dagger Italian Fascist .Dagger Nazi Army Officers. Scottish Dirk. Dog Tags .germany, Malsch, Medals. Bulkhead Clock. Kriegsmarine . Cockades .Pistol Grips. Compass 1917 . Dagger German, Selling German Swords, Selling German war souvenirs,
Solingen Dagger, SS Daggers, The Free Valuation of German daggers, The German Iron
Boker Of Solingen have been manufacturing blades since 1869. This form of lock knife were reputedly carried by Uhlan cavalry officers during WW1. The knife has 2 fold out blades, one of which, the hoof trimmer, locks into place and is released by depression of a steel bar on the back of the grip frame. The 3 ½” single edged blade is signed by the maker ‘H. Boker & Co Solingen’ and has their Tree trade mark. The 4” curved hoof trimmer blade is marked ‘Boker No 500’ and is DRGM marked. It also has the tree trademark. The blades have just staining consistent with age. The blades and corkscrew tool which can be seen in the images fold neatly into its steel frame which has undamaged Stag antler scales secured by pins and German silver bolsters. One scale has an inlaid brass Tree trademark roundel. Closed the knife measures 4 ½” length. The length with larger blade open measures 8 ½” overall.
An original, Nazi German Army Officer's Dagger & Scabbard in excellent condition. The dagger's blade is clean. The ricasso is marked with the E.W. Holler Solingen name & trademark and has its original hilt washer. It has the correct distinctive 'Eagle with Swastika' design cross guard and ornate Oak leaf decorated pommel and ferrule. It has its original, undamaged, grooved, yellow/ orange hue phenol resin grip. Its original scabbard is decorated with a 'hammered' design and has 2 hanging ring mounts with Oak leaf decoration. The mounts are fitted with original hanging rings. The Price includes UK delivery. German Army Officer's Dagger With Plum Coloured Handle By 'WKC Solingen' (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie) With Scabbard & Deluxe DRGM Marked Hangers. Sn 16434 - 16434
An excellent, original, 1935 pattern German Army Officer's dagger and scabbard with deluxe quality hangers . It has a clean blade stamped with the makers name and trademark 'WKC Solingen' (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie). It has the correct distinctive 'Eagle with Swastika' design cross guard and correct Plum/ Brown hue 'phenol resin' grip with ornate oak leaf decorated pommel. It is complete with original scabbard which is decorated with a 'hammered' design and 2 hanging ring mounts with matching oak leaf decoration. The mounts are fitted with original hanging rings. The scabbard is fitted with hangers which have bullion stitching & rich padded velvet backing. The hangers have ornately cast buckles and clips. The metal fittings have ‘DRGM’ marks.
Nazi Kriegsmarine Dagger With Etched Blade By Horster, Solingen & Scabbard.
An original, Nazi German Kriegsmarine Dagger & Scabbard to a decorated U-Boat commander who was part of the Kriegsmarine Olympia crew in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Kapitanleutnant Kurt Baberg was born on 23rd February 1917 and died 31st March 2003 aged 86. During his Kriegsmarine service he was one of the Kriegsmarine's famous Olympia Crew. This Crew chose the Olympic rings as their symbol (the 1936 Olympic games were held in Berlin). It was the largest Crew, and produced more U-boat commanders than any other – of the 164 who 'graduated', 140 took command during the war. The Officer served on U-Boats U-827, U-30, U-61 during WW2 and was decorated with Iron Cross 1st & 2nd Class, U-Boat War Badge 1939 and German Cross in gold (a period photograph portrait of the Officer is illustrated in image 2). German submarine U-30 was a Type VIIA U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine that served during World War II. She was ordered in April 1935 in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, which prevented the construction and commissioning of any U-boats for the German navy, and as part of the German naval rearmament program known as Plan Z. She sank the liner SS Athenia, the first ship sunk in World War II, on 3 September 1939. She was retired from front-line service in September 1940 after undertaking eight war patrols, having sunk 17 vessels and damaging two others. U-30 then served in a training role until the end of the war when she was scuttled. She was later raised and broken up for scrap in 1948. German submarine U-61 was a Type IIC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine that served in the Second World War. It was built by Deutsche Werke AG, Kiel. Ordered on 21 June 1937, it was laid down on 1 October as yard number 260. It was launched on 15 June 1939 and commissioned on 12 August. U-61 was initially assigned to the 5th U-boat Flotilla during its training period, until 1 January 1940, when it was reassigned to the 1st flotilla for a front-line combat role. U-61 carried out eleven war patrols, sinking five ships for a total of 19,668 gross register tons (GRT) and damaging one of 4,434 tons. It then joined the 21st flotilla as a 'school' or training boat in November 1940 where it remained for the rest of the war. It was scuttled at Wilhelmshaven in May 1945. German submarine U-827 was a Type VIIC/41 U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during the Second World War. She was ordered on 8 June 1942, laid down on 7 August 1943 at Schichau-Werke, Danzig, West Prussia. She had two commanders, from 25 May 1944 to March 1945 it was Kapitänleutnant Wilhelm Hunck and then, from 26 April 1945 to 5 May 1945, she had Kptlt. Kurt Baberg. The U-boat was scuttled on 5 May 1945 in Flensburg Fjord. The wreck was broken up in 1948. The dagger’s blade has etched foliate panels and fouled anchor on both sides. The ricasso is crisply marked with the makers name and trademark 'EuF Horster, Solingen'. It has the distinctive Kriegsmarine 'Eagle Pommel, ornate cross guard with scabbard retaining button that works as it should and correct Ivory hue resin grip with wire binding which is tight and secure. The dagger is complete with its original scabbard which is decorated with a 'hammered' and etched design and 2 hanging ring mounts with Oak leaf decoration. The mounts are fitted with original hanging rings. The scabbard has contemporary etchings consisting of stylised ‘KB’ monogram (Kurt Baberg), U-Boat Numbers : U-827, U-30, U-61 & 1936 Olympia Crew Device. The price for this Kriegsmarine dagger to a decorated U-Boat commander worthy of further research includes
MINT, EARLY PRODUCTION, WW2 Era Nazi German 1933 Pattern SS Man’s Dagger By Hammesfahr Cie (Rarity 7) Rohm Name & Motto Erased Blade , Scabbard & Hanger To A Named SS Officer Dr Konrad Lenze With Dossier Of Documents Detailing His SS Service & Antecedents
SS Officer Dr Konrad Lenze SS- Untersturmfuhrer SS No. 75133 was born 28th April 1910 in Brakel Germany. He was a qualified Medical Doctor when he joined the SS on 6th May 1933. He was allocated SS service number 75133. He attended the 1934 Nurenburg Rally & rose through the ranks, attaining the rank of Untersturmfuhrer on 20th April 1939. He served with the SS in Medical Units throughout WW2. As Hitler’s Third reich collapsed huge quantities of Nazi records were captured by allied troops and many were shipped to the USA for copying. Among those records, the SS Enlisted Men & Officer files, Race & Settlement files & NSDAP membership files of SS Officer Dr Konrad Lenze SS- Untersturmfuhrer No. 75133 were copied. This is Dr Lenze’s original SS Man’s dagger in near mint condition, together with a bound dossier of selected copied documents from his SS records & antecedents prepared by the U.S. Historic Graphics & Research Service. The dossier has 15 plastic open top leaves which contain copies of many SS documents regarding the Officer’s SS service including copies of his SS identity photographs. All ranks of the SS were authorised to wear SS Man’s daggers (see pages 48 & 49 of Johnson’s book Collecting The Edged Weapons Of The Third Reich Vol 1). One side of the blade is crisply stamped with the early production manufacturer’s name Hammesfahr Cie Solingen. Hammesfahr Cie made approximately 15,000 of these daggers and are rated as rarity value 7 (10 being highest rarity value) in the book ‘The service daggers of the SA & The NSKK’ by Siegert. There is no RZM marking indicating that this is an early production example. The name of the Nazi SA leader & friend of Hitler, Ernst Rohm together with 'Friendship' motto was inscribed on early SS daggers. In 1934, Rohm was accused of Treason against Hitler and he was executed. After Rohm's death Hitler ordered Rohm's name to be removed from all blades. This dagger was made with the Rohm name and inscription which has been contemporarily removed in compliance with Hitler’s order. Just the tops of a few of the inscriptions lettering remain which can be seen in the images. The rubbing of the inscription has affected just the edges of the manufacturer’s trade mark. The other side of the blade has the correct "Meine Ehre Heisst Treue" (my honour is loyalty) etching. The black wooden grip is original and undamaged. The Nazi German National Emblem and 'SS' runes roundel are perfectly fitted. It has a Nickel plated cross guard & pommel. The cross guard is stamped ‘III’ and with Dr Lenze’s SS service number . The dagger is complete with its original black anodised metal scabbard. The scabbard has a single hanging ring and nickel plated chape and throat mount. The scabbard is fitted with its original vertical leather belt hanger which has a nickel plated buckle and DRGM marked sprung clip. The price for this rare early production Nazi SS piece to a named and documented SS Officer .
Early 20th Century Imperial German Horster Solingen Forestry Deer / Boar Hunting
This is a good original Imperial German Forestry Hunting Dagger / Sidearm. These substantial weapons were carried when hunting large game such as Deer or Boar for self defence and to deliver the 'death blow' to the hunted prey. This example has an undamaged Stag antler scales each with 3 gilded alloy acorn with oak leaves devices, ornate gilded alloy hilt with knuckle guard all cast with oak leaves decoration and swept cross guard with hoof finial.The gilding is worn in areas consistent with age. Its 13 ½” single edged steel blade has fullers. The blade is undamaged and clean. It measures 18” overall. The blade has the manufacturer trademark of Horster Solingen. The blade has blued & etched panels on both sides featuring martial arms, heraldic arms, Deer & Stag in the field and a hunter in the field carrying a long arm. The weapon is complete with its original black leather scabbard with rear seam, brass throat mount with acorn locket and long chape decorated with oak leaves. The leather & stitching of the scabbard are clean and intact. The price includes UK delivery.
WW2 Era 1935 Pattern Nazi German Army Officer's Dagger By Eickhorn .
An excellent, original, 1935 pattern German Army Officer's Dagger and Scabbard. It has a clean blade and the ricasso is stamped with the Eickhorn Solingen makers name and Squirrel Logo. It has a distinctive 'Eagle with Swastika' design cross guard and correct deep orange hue 'phenol resin' grip with ornate oak leaf decorated pommel. The Dagger is complete with original scabbard which is decorated with a 'hammered' design and 2 hanging ring mounts with matching oak Leaf decoration. The mounts are fitted with original hanging rings. The price includes UK delivery. Sn 1
RARE, RHOM NAME ONLY ERASED, Nazi German 1933 Pattern SA Dagger With Motto Etched Blade, Friendship Inscription & Scabbard. Sn
The name of the Nazi SA leader & friend of Hitler, Ernst Rohm together with 'Friendship' motto was inscribed on the blades of some SA daggers. In 1934 Rohm was accused of Treason against Hitler and he was executed. After Rohm's death Hitler ordered Rohm's name to be removed from all blades. This is an original 1933 pattern SA dagger and scabbard in excellent condition. The wooden grips are undamaged. The German National Emblem and 'SA' roundel are perfectly fitted. It has a Nickel plated cross guard stamped 'No' & pommel. One side of its polished blade has the correct "Alles Fur Deutschland" inscription. The other side has the correct friendship inscription with just the Ernst Rhom name contemporarily removed as per Hitler’s order and shows areas of rubbing where this process has taken place. Many of these daggers had both the friendship inscription and name removed. As is common, the removal has obliterated the name of the maker which would have been on the blade near to the hilt. The dagger is complete with its original brown metal scabbard with nickel plated chape and locket with hanging ring. The ring is fitted with its original leather tab hanger with nickel plated buckle. The price for this rare Rhom name only erased SA .
£1,475.00 |

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Antique Jewellery Buyers Arundel

David Mattey of “Antiques & Militaria” Is A Highly Experienced Buyer Of Antique And Modern Jewellery ..

The Prime Position Of Or High Street Shop Attracts Thousands Of Wealthy Buyers From Around The World.

Don’t Sell To A Middleman Sell Directly To The Store In The Centre Of Arundel High Street..

When We Buy Antique Jewellery ,Sellers Will Be Pleased To Know That They Will Achieve Up To 50% More Than They Would Achieve At Auction.

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Jewellery Buyers Arundel Posted by admin o
Customers Are Cleverly Duped Into Believing That Auctions Are Fare And Democratic Institutions. Today It Is Far Better To Conduct A Little Homework Before Selling Directly To Dedicated Professionals … Those In A Prime Position To Sell To End Users Rather Than To Middlemen ..Next Time You Visit Arundel Why Not Call In A Speak Directly to Me David Mattey About Gold Diamond, Sovereigns,Half Sovereigns, Rings, Bangles, Jewellery ,Watches,Emeralds,Topaz,Garnets ,Ruby,Wrist Watches ,Pocket Watches,15 ct ,9ct, 18ct Or Call Now on 01903-884602
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Antique Jewellery Buyers Arundel

David Mattey of “Antiques & Militaria” Is A Highly Experienced Buyer Of Antique And Modern Jewellery ..
The Prime Position Of Or High Street Shop Attracts Thousands Of Wealthy Buyers From Around The World.
Don’t Sell To A Middleman Sell Directly To The Store In The Centre Of Arundel High Street..
When We Buy Antique Jewellery ,Sellers Will Be Pleased To Know That They Will Achieve Up To 50% More Than They Would Achieve At Auction.
Why? Well That Is Easy. Auctioneers Charge The Buyer 25% “Buyers Premium”On Top Of The Hammer Price ..Yes I Know It Sounds Hard To Believe But It Is Entirely True .
Customers Are Cleverly Duped Into Believing That Auctions Are Fare And Democratic Institutions. Today It Is Far Better To Conduct A Little Homework Before Selling Directly To Dedicated Professionals … Those In A Prime Position To Sell To End Users Rather Than To Middlemen ..Next Time You Visit Arundel Why Not Call In A Speak Directly to Me David Mattey About Gold Diamond, Sovereigns,Half Sovereigns, Rings, Bangles, Jewellery ,Watches,Emeralds,Topaz,Garnets ,Ruby,Wrist Watches ,Pocket Watches,15 ct ,9ct, 18ct Or Call Now on 01903-884602Visitors To Arundel Are Invited Bring
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We Will Better Any Recorded Prices
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Arundel Antiques Warehouse
Sits Directly Behind "Antiques & Militaria" At 18
high street Arundel . The warehouse consists of two ground floor galleries and shares the building's first floor with three dealers specialising in everything from trendy decorative to a classic opulant look.
A Fine First & Second War Luftwaffe Medal Bar of Ten, German WW2 Medal Bar of Four, An Army Long Service Medal , A Second War German Wehrmacht Medal Bar Sale Date, A Wehrmacht Army Second War Medal Bar with Iron Cross , An Army Long Service & Spanish Civil War Medal Bar, An Iron Cross , A First & Second War German Medal Ba A Second War Wehrmacht Merit & Long Service Medal Bar, A First & Second Medal Bar of a Frontline Officer from Baden,A German Sudetenland Medal Bar With Three Medals, Awards, and Decorations, A First and Second War German Medal Bar , A Wehrmacht 4 and 12 Year, A Second War German Group of Four,
Arundel Antiques Warehouse offers a diverse selection of Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian furniture. wardrobes, chests, dining tables & sets of chairs, bookcases, sideboards, cast iron, lighting & mirrors .17th, !8th, 19th and Twenteeth century.Objects and paintings.

We can provide a low cost delivery service throughout the UK.
Both trade and private customers are always welcomed; no appointments are required.
Buyers Of Furniture West Sussex

Architectural & Garden ,

Armoires & Bedroom, Furniture, Art, Decorative, Lighting, Cabinets, Cupboards & Bookcases,Chairs Dining, Sofas & Stools, Chests of Drawers,
Clocks, Barometers, &Other, Coffers & Blanket BoxesDesks & Bureaux, Dressers & Sideboards, Vernis Martin,
Verre Eglomise, Victorian, Vitruvian Scroll, , Volute, WelshDresser, William and Mary, WillMarquetry: A Marquise Chair: Neoclassical: Night Table above, concave below.Ormolu: Oyster veneer
Overstuffed: CPalmette: Parcel Gilt: Parquetry: A PietraDura: Quartering / QuarterVeneer: Quatrefoil: QueenAnneStyle, Reading Chair, Récamie, Régence: Per Rococo: Sabot: Scagliola: Pietra Dura.Sconce: Secrétaire a abattant: Strapwork: Stump Work: Tallboy: Tambour: Tavern Table: Tête a Tête Seat: Tole /Tole Peinte: TolewareTudor:, caps, visors, flags, field gear, equipment, medals, insignia, uniforms, knives, guns, paper work, trench art, photo albums, battle souvenirs, relics or veteran’s bring backs. Every nations WW2 memorabilia is required by the industry’s most conscientious buyer, including, but not limited to: US, German, Japanese, Russian, and Italian militaria. Individual pieces and large lots welcomed. Sell WWII German helmets here. for your World War 2 Militaria, to Include heccccc The memory of service provided by your family member is of great importance to us . Details of the late owners will be rewarded by additional payments

Antiques Warehouse Arundel is situated only a few paces away from some of the best known decorative dealers in England. The Victorian warehouse is easily accessed from the passageway in the centre of Arundel high street. Once inside you will find items of stock from several professional dealers showcased on two floors. The keen prices favour both the interior design trade and informed collector. If you already conduct business with dealers in Sussex you are invited to introduce your selves and notify us of you requirements, If you are interested in selling Antique and decorative items email us on
Sussex Antique Auctioneers
And Valuers?
Are these the people to turn to for an opinion when faced with selling Antiques and Fine Art? Yes Is The Answer.
You Will Receive A Polite Courteous Reception And Learn What Your Heirlooms Jewellery And Collectors Items Are Worth .
Finding Accurate Valuations Today Has Never Been Easier As Examples Of Identical Object Will Have Been Sold Before, And The Resulting Prices Recorded Online .
Are Sussex Auction Houses Therefor The Best Place To Sell Fine Art And Antiques?
No Is The Answer Most Certainly Not . Why ? Because 45% Of Of An Items Market Value Is Deducted By A Cunning Deception .. Both The Seller Vendor And The Buyer Are Charged For The Privilege Using Sussex Auction Houses ..
A Simple Example.
If A Gold Coin Is Worth £200 To A Specialist He Can Only Make A Bid In The Auction Of £135 Because He Will Be Stung By The "Buyers Premium" Of 25% In Most Cases .
The Poor Old Seller Will Receive After Stoppages A Mere £110 Or Close To This???? If You Are Considering Selling Anything In The Line Of Fine Art Or Antiques ,Please Contact Us And Learn What Superior Options Are Available.
ARUNDEL ANTIQUE BUYERS ..Always Pay Auctioneers Valuations In Full For All Required Items .. With Items Which Fail To Conform To Our Usual Range Of Stock We Provide The Finest Consignment Selling Service Enabling Your Items To Be Displayed In Our High Street Showrooms And Uploaded Onto The Internet To Reach A Broad Audience ...
Call David Mattey Today
On 01903-884602
Office Store Or 07860747027 Our Expertise Extends Beyond Militaria ,Furniture, Gold,Silver ,Watercolours ,ACCESSORIES ANTIQUES Antique valuations Worthing Ardingly Antiques Fair Arundel Antiques Dealers Arundel Castle Auctions In Sussex Belllmans Auctioneers British Uniforms field Gear Chichester auctioneers Deactivated Guns Sussex Deactivated Guns U.K.Only Farnham Maltings Militaria ford market French German Badges German Militaria Gold Buyers sussex Gold price Government officials House clearers Sussex House contents valued from £10 HUNTING FORESTRY Kempton Park Antiques Market Memorabilia Mills Jukebox PLAQUES Rockola Jukebox s auctioneers seeburg selling at auction Selling on Ebay Selling Swords online Stride and son Auctioneers sussex coins Sussex Medals Sussex Medal Valuations Today's gold price Toovy toovy's TRIBAL ART Valuations Sussex
Identification and Valuation Days

(Backed up by direct cash offers)
We offer free Valuations and an identification service for antiques, paintings, and collectors items.

Our business is conducted daily from Arundel Antiques Market (the region's most visited antiques centre). 
Our expertise, experience and market knowledge combine to provide professional advice with the option of selling directly.

Free Valuation Days at Arundel Antiques Market
Every week-day between 10.00am – 4.30pm. Weekends 11.00- 4.30pm. For private appointments please call:
David Mattey: 07860 747027
Home Visits
For those who are unable to visit Arundel Antiques Market or who have collections and larger items.
Telephone: 07860-747027
Or 01903 884602
The diverse stock is ever changing and includes:

Decorative Furnishing Accessories
Oil Paintings
Modern Art
Art Deco
Costume Jewellery
Garden Statuary
European Pine
Good Nineteenth Century Furniture
Best Regards David Mattey (Manager)
Telephone 01903-884602.10-5pm daily

To That Show In Our Video.
Some of the areas we cover:
Ardingly RH17
Arundel BN18
Ashington RH20
Balcombe RH17
Billingshurst RH14
Birdham PO20
Bognor Regis PO21
Bolney RH17
Bosham PO18
Burgess Hill RH15
Bury RH20
Chichester PO19
Compton PO18
Coneyhurst RH14
Coolham RH13
Cowfold RH13
Crawley RH11
East Grinstead RH19
East Marden PO18
Eastergate PO20
Faygate RH12
Findon BN14
Fittleworth RH20
Graffham GU28
Halnaker PO18
Handcross RH17
Hassocks BN6
Henfield BN5
Hurstpierpoint BN6
Kirdford RH14
Lindfield RH16
Littlehampton BN17
Lodsworth GU28
Lower Beeding RH13
Loxwood RH14
Middleton-on-Sea PO22
Midhurst GU29
Milland Marsh GU30
Northchapel GU28
Pagham PO21
Partridge Green RH13
Patching BN13
Plaistow RH14
Poynings BN45
Pulborough RH20
Rogate GU31
Rudgwick RH12
Rusper RH12
Rustington BN16
Scayne's Hill RH17
Selsey PO20
Shoreham-by-Sea BN43
Sidlesham PO20
Singleton PO18
Slindon BN18
Slinfold RH13
Southwater RH13
Steyning BN44
Storrington RH20
Sutton RH20
Warninglid RH17
West Ashling PO18
West Chiltington RH20
West Wittering PO20
Wisborough Green RH14
Worthing BN11
Yapton BN18
Alfriston BN26
Barcombe BN8
Battle TN33
Beckley TN31
Bexhill TN40
Brede TN31
Brightling TN32
Brighton BN2
Burwash TN19
Buxted TN22
Camber TN31
Chelwood Gate RH17
Chiddingly BN8
Crowborough TN6
Crowhurst TN33
Danehill RH17
East Dean BN20
Eastbourne BN21
Etchingham TN19
Fairlight TN35
Flimwell TN5
Forest Row RH18
Four Oaks TN31
Framfield TN22
Frant TN3
Glynde BN8
Groombridge TN3
Hadlow Down TN22
Hailsham BN27
Halland BN8
Hartfield TN7
Hastings TN34
Heathfield TN21
Herstmonceux BN27
Horam TN21
Hurst Green TN19
Iden TN31
Isfield TN22
Lewes BN7
Mayfield TN20
Newhaven BN9
Newick BN8
Northiam TN31
Nutley TN22
Peacehaven BN10
Peasmarsh TN31
Pett TN35
Plumpton BN7
Polegate BN26
Ringmer BN8
Ripe BN8
Robertsbridge TN32
Rotherfield TN6
Rye TN31
Seaford BN25
Sedlescombe TN33
Sharpthorne RH19
Staple Cross TN32
Ticehurst TN5
Uckfield TN22
Wadhurst TN5
Winchelsea TN36
Wivelsfield Green RH17
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